Token Economy

Game design creates a better token economy.

CryptoHunter World: Innovative token economics and success strategies

The CryptoHunter World team has analyzed various X2E (X-to-Earn) services and game designs, and studied how the game economy changes depending on user behavior. Through this research, we came to the conclusion that sophisticated game design is needed to create a more complete token economy.

Inflation problem in the gaming economy

Game economic inflation, which is common in the early MMORPG genre, is also a frequent problem in the X2E service. In the MMORPG genre, infinitely generated in-game currency continues to accumulate in the game's internal economy, causing extreme inflation. This is one of the main causes of ruining the game economy, and can be easily found in blockchain's X2E service. This is a blow to both game investors and users, and can lead to the failure of the entire project.

Various Web2 game services prohibit cash transactions of in-game assets and operate a closed game ecosystem, but they have also failed to completely solve the problem of game money inflation. The Web3 X2E service has a faster inflation rate and can be seen as creating a bigger problem than the Web2 game service. In particular, it created a bigger problem than if the game economic model applied from the Web2 game system was imported directly into the Web3 ecosystem.

Balance between profit and fun

Many Play-to-Earn (P2E) games focus solely on profitability and overlook the inherent “fun” of the game. Because these games only focus on profitability, bots and abuse have become rampant. These bot and abusing problems have provided users who enjoy the game normally with a relative sense of deprivation and helplessness, and have even weakened their will to enjoy the game any longer. In addition, we believe that bots and abuse are the biggest problem factors in X2E services that provide profits, robbing users of their sense of achievement through compensation.

Limitations of M2E services

M2E (Move-to-Earn) services provide users with a sense of accomplishment by providing them with external activities as tasks and rewarding them with profits accordingly. However, repetitive actions that require more time and distance for more rewards increase boredom and reduce user immersion. Additionally, there is a lack of content that requires competition or cooperation with other users, which can result in a lack of immersion and motivation.

CryptoHunter World’s Innovative Approach

CryptoHunter World drastically modified the game design to solve these problems, adding a stable token economy and various token economic models. Through this, we wanted to create an environment where users can immerse themselves in the game and solve the tedious problems of M2E.

CryptoHunter World has the right combination of M2E and P2E systems. In M2E mode, a simple system has been added so that users can focus more on exercise and provide the desire and enjoyment of collecting Cryptids in between, so that they are not distracted from the goal of exercise. In addition, just like M2E services, we provide clear motivation by providing rewards for user activity.

The P2E system allows users to collect and strengthen various Cryptids, and the battle system provides another incentive to play the game by earning rewards while enjoying the game during non-exercise times. In other words, we wanted to take full advantage of Move-to-Play by collecting Cryptids while exercising and using Cryptids while playing games. Although the user's external activities and game play are separated, they are tied together into one game service called Cryptids, allowing users to become more immersed in CryptoHunter World and compete while earning rewards and a sense of accomplishment.

Sophisticated token economy design

The CryptoHunter World team is innovating the Move-to-Earn system by introducing a more sophisticated token economy and attempting various changes to the in-game ecosystem.

First of all, we plan to fundamentally block the abusing problem through an M2E system using a pedometer equipped with a GPS function, and provide users with various ways to utilize tokens by combining the P2E system. M2E services are introducing various burning systems to suppress token inflation, and are adding various items and skins that can be used in shoe NFTs to encourage consumption of tokens generated within the game. These strategic elements have the positive effect of providing a rich experience to users by encouraging the formation of a balanced demand base.

However, these factors can sometimes act as limiting factors in the profit structure for users.

CryptoHunter World seeks to supplement the shortcomings of these M2E systems with P2E elements. Users are provided with a variety of systems that allow them to use NFTs and tokens obtained in-game more strategically, and are presented with directions to make various choices. Through this, we aim to stabilize the in-game economic system and build a sustainable ecosystem.

In conclusion, CryptoHunter World's token economy design goes beyond simple rewards and aims for an innovative ecosystem where games and the economy are organically linked. We will ensure that the rewards and experiences that users gain through games are achieved within a long-term sustainable and stable system, and through this, we will create a sustainable ecosystem that is economically stable while allowing users to enjoy games.

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