Terms of Use

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1: Introduction

Welcome to CryptoHunter World! These Terms of Use govern your use of our application and services. By accessing or using our Service, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, please refrain from using our Service.

CryptoHunter World is a Web3 lifestyle app launched by Blokfield.INC (the "Company"). The app allows users to accumulate tokens by walking, jogging, or running outdoors.

Access to and use of the App and the services available through the App (collectively, the "Services") are subject to the following terms, conditions, and notices ("Terms of Use"). By using the Services, you agree to comply with all of the Terms of Use, as updated by us from time to time. It is your responsibility to check this page regularly for any changes to the Terms of Use.

Article 2: Amendments to Terms of Use

The Company reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use at any time. Amendments will become effective immediately upon being posted on the App or through the Services. Your continued use of the App and the Services following such notification constitutes your agreement to be bound by the amended Terms of Use.

Article 3: Eligibility

To use our Services, you must be at least 15 years old. By using the Services, you confirm that you meet this age requirement. If it is determined that you are under 15, we may suspend or terminate your account immediately.

By continuing to use the Services, you assure us that you are at least 15 years of age and fully understand and agree to these Terms.

Chapter 2: Service Agreement

Article 4: Conclusion of the Service Agreement

  • Membership Registration: Users apply for membership by completing the registration form provided by the Service and agreeing to these Terms.

  • Approval and Rejection: The Company may reject an application for membership or cancel an approved membership if any of the following conditions are met:

    1. The applicant is under 15 years of age.

    2. The applicant has previously had membership revoked.

    3. The registration information provided by the applicant is false, incorrect, or incomplete.

    4. The applicant resides in a country where the Company does not offer services.

    5. The applicant has repeatedly failed to authenticate their password or biometric information.

    6. The Company determines that approving the membership could cause business or technical issues for the Service.

    7. Other reasons deemed appropriate by the Company.

  • Postponement of Approval: The Company may postpone membership approval if there are no available service facilities or if technical or business issues arise.

  • Truthful Information: Users must provide accurate and truthful information when using the Service. The Company may request additional information from users as necessary to provide the Services.

Article 5: Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy, which sets out how we will use your personal information, can be found at https://docs.cryptohunter.world/policies/privacy. By using the App, you consent to our collection, storage, use, and disclosure of your personal information as set out in the privacy policy and warrant that all data provided by you is accurate.

We are committed to protecting your privacy and complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that we will only collect and process your personal data where we have a legal basis to do so, and we will take appropriate measures to protect your information. You have certain rights regarding your personal data, including the right to access, correct, and delete your data, as well as the right to object to or restrict certain types of data processing.

If you have any concerns about how we handle your data or wish to exercise any of your rights under GDPR, please refer to our privacy policy or contact our Data Protection Officer at contact@cryptohunter.world.

Article 6: Purchases

The Company may offer certain products and services for purchase through the Apple App Store, Google Play, or other authorized external platforms (each an "External Service"). Any purchases made through these platforms are referred to as "External Service Purchases."

When making a purchase, you may pay through your External Service account, such as your Apple ID or Google Play account. Your External Service account will be charged according to the terms disclosed at the time of purchase and the general terms applicable to that account. Sales tax may also be applied based on your location and may change over time.

If your External Service Purchase includes an automatically renewing subscription, your account will continue to be charged periodically until you cancel the subscription. To cancel or manage your subscription, you must log into your External Service account and follow the provided instructions. This is necessary even if you have deleted your account with us or removed the App from your device.

If you initiate a chargeback or reverse a payment made with the Company or your External Service account, the Company reserves the right to terminate your subscription immediately. All purchases are final and non-refundable unless applicable laws in your jurisdiction provide for refunds.

Article 7: Third-Party Links

The App may contain links to third-party websites or applications ("External Sites") that are not operated or controlled by the Company. The Company does not assume responsibility for the content, operations, or practices of these External Sites, and the inclusion of such links does not imply endorsement. The Company disclaims liability for any issues or damages arising from the use of these External Sites. Users are encouraged to review the terms of use and privacy policies of any External Sites they visit.

Chapter 4: General Provisions of the Service

Article 8: Content of the Service

The Company provides the following services:

  1. Primary Services: All services within CryptoHunter World, including step counting, token distribution based on step counts, and the exchange of tokens.

  2. Service Agreement: The service usage agreement is considered established when the user agrees to these Terms, downloads the Company's content, or accesses the content through the network. However, some services may commence from a specified date as determined by the Company.

  3. Additional Services: The Company may offer supplementary services in addition to the ones specified in these Terms. Some of these services may be provided for a fee.

  4. Special Agreements: The Company may request users to agree to separate terms for specific services. Users can access these services only after agreeing to the respective terms and receiving approval from the Company.

Article 9: Provision of Services

  1. Service Availability: The Company aims to provide services 24/7, 365 days a year. However, services may be temporarily unavailable due to reasons such as regular system maintenance, server upgrades, or network issues. In such cases, advance notice will be provided on the initial screen of each service or in the content's notices.

  2. Emergency Situations: The Company reserves the right to temporarily restrict or suspend services without prior notice due to urgent, unavoidable reasons. Users will be informed of the reasons for such interruptions afterward.

  3. Regular Maintenance: To ensure stable service, the Company may conduct regular maintenance. Details regarding the schedule and duration will be announced on the initial screen of each service or in the content's notices.

  4. Force Majeure: If the Company is unable to provide normal services due to circumstances beyond its control—such as war, civil unrest, natural disasters, or national emergencies—services may be suspended. Users will be informed of the reasons and duration either in advance or afterward.

  5. Access to Services: The Company provides the service through dedicated applications or networks for compatible devices. Users can access the service by downloading and installing the application or using the network.

Article 10: Token Exchange

  1. User Discretion and Responsibility: Users may exchange their tokens through liquidity pools on the blockchain. However, users must understand the risks involved and undertake all transactions at their own discretion and responsibility.

  2. Decentralized Exchanges: The Company provides a token exchange service using liquidity pools created on decentralized exchanges. These exchanges operate without direct control or review by the Company. All token transactions are performed at the user's discretion, and users must carefully evaluate all relevant information—such as token details, issuer background, and associated risks—before proceeding with any exchange.

  3. Exchange Rate and Pricing: Token prices in the exchange service are determined by the exchange rate within the liquidity pool. Prices displayed within the Company's Token Exchange service may differ from those on other exchanges and are not guaranteed to match. The service includes safety measures to execute transactions within a defined range of the prevailing exchange rate to minimize potential losses due to market fluctuations. However, users must always confirm the exchange rate before executing a transaction.

  4. Liability Disclaimer: The Company is not responsible for any loss of assets or property resulting from user transactions, including but not limited to unmet profit expectations or inherent transaction risks. Users should carefully assess potential losses due to price and exchange rate fluctuations before using the service.

  5. Accuracy in Transactions: Users are responsible for entering correct deposit addresses or memos during asset deposits. Failure to do so may result in asset loss, for which the Company is not liable.

  6. Information Provided: Information provided by the Company, such as expected returns or current token prices, is intended to assist users but does not constitute investment advice or a solicitation for trading. The Company strives to provide timely and accurate information but does not guarantee the accuracy, suitability, or timeliness of such information.

  7. Service Functionality: The Company does not guarantee the functionality or continuity of Token Exchange features. Services may be added, modified, or removed at any time, and users will be notified in advance if a service is permanently discontinued.

  8. Third-Party Services: The Company is not responsible for third-party services, including blockchain platforms, used in connection with the Token Exchange service.

  9. Technology and Security: The service is designed to interact with the blockchain via automated smart contract code, providing a secure and transparent platform. However, due to software complexity and technological limitations, the integrity of the code cannot be fully guaranteed. There may be errors in smart contracts, leading to potential risks like hacking or asset theft.

  10. Service Interruptions: The Company makes every effort to maintain blockchain synchronization. However, service interruptions or termination may occur without prior notice due to force majeure, network failures, system maintenance, transaction congestion, or other unforeseeable events. In such cases, 24-hour service is not guaranteed, and the Company will not be liable for service unavailability unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of the Company.

  11. Force Majeure: In the event of force majeure situations, users may encounter errors in numerical displays, temporary service unavailability, connection issues, or interrupted transactions. The Company will not be liable for such issues to the extent permitted by law.

Article 11: Service Modification and Termination

  1. Service Modification: The Company reserves the right to modify the services provided for operational or technical reasons. Users will be informed of the specifics of any modified services and the implementation date in advance, via notifications on the initial screen of the service. In situations where prior notice is not possible due to critical bugs, server equipment failures, or urgent security issues, the Company may provide notification after the fact.

  2. Service Discontinuation: The Company may discontinue the provision of all or part of its services due to factors such as changes in market conditions, technical requirements, a decline in user interest, or other operational or urgent considerations. In such cases, the Company will notify users 30 days in advance via the initial screen of each service or through announcements within the content. Users are not entitled to refunds or compensation for unused or expired paid items, including flat-rate or subscription items, when a service is terminated.

  3. Liability Limitation: The Company is not liable for any issues arising from service modifications or termination that are not caused by the Company's intent or negligence.

Article 12: Restrictions on Service Use

Users shall not engage in the following actions, and if they do, the company may take measures such as restricting the user's service use, deleting related content (posts, photos, videos, etc.), or other appropriate actions in accordance with the procedures outlined in Article 13, paragraph 2.

  1. False Information: Providing or registering false information in any part of the service or attempting to deceive others.

  2. Identity Theft: Engaging in identity theft or impersonating another individual.

  3. Account Misuse: Sharing or renting one's account with others.

  4. Unauthorized Modifications: Modifying company programs, hacking company servers, altering website content, or using the service in unauthorized ways without explicit permission from the company.

  5. Exploitation of Bugs and Malware: Exploiting bugs, transmitting, posting, or distributing viruses, malware, or data intended to disrupt the normal operation of software, hardware, or communication equipment.

  6. Interference with Service: Blocking or circumventing advertisements within the service, using abnormal operation methods or devices, or otherwise interfering with the normal operation of the service.

  7. Unsolicited Advertising: Transmitting advertisements against the recipient's explicit refusal or information prohibited by law.

  8. Illegitimate Cyber Asset Transactions: Obtaining, transferring, or trading steps or cyber assets through unauthorized or non-physical activities.

  9. Deliberate Service Disruption: Intentionally harming the service or interfering with its operation.

  10. Unauthorized Commercial Activities: Engaging in business activities through the service without prior approval from the company.

  11. Unauthorized Use of Service Information: Replicating or distributing information obtained through the service for purposes other than personal use, including reproduction, publication, or broadcasting, without the company's prior approval.

  12. Violation of Intellectual Property Rights: Transmitting, posting, or otherwise distributing information that infringes upon the rights of others, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights, without permission.

  13. Distribution of Obscene Content: Distributing obscene information in violation of relevant laws, including the Youth Protection Act.

  14. Invasion of Privacy: Transmitting, posting, or otherwise distributing information that harms or infringes upon the privacy or reputation of others.

  15. Harassment: Harassing or threatening other users, or causing sustained pain or inconvenience to specific users.

  16. Sexually Explicit Content: Transmitting, posting, or otherwise distributing sexually explicit content or linking to obscene sites without permission.

  17. Unauthorized Collection of Personal Information: Collecting or storing other users' personal information without the company's approval.

  18. Impersonation: Pretending to be company employees, administrators, or other individuals, or using someone else's identity to post messages or send emails.

  19. Criminal Activities: Engaging in or being associated with activities objectively deemed to be criminal.

  20. Multiple Account Usage: Using multiple accounts under one user or using another person's account without permission.

  21. Violation of Laws and Policies: Engaging in any actions that violate relevant laws or the service's policies.

If users cause damage to the company due to these prohibited actions, they shall be liable for any damages incurred.

Article 13: Termination of Agreement and Suspension of Service Use, etc.

  • Contract Termination: Users may terminate the contract at any time by withdrawing from the service membership if they no longer wish to use the service. Upon withdrawal, the process is immediate, and users will lose access to their content and cyber assets, making any further use, transfer, or disposal impossible.

  • Violation of Terms: If a user violates the terms specified in Article 9, Article 16, Paragraph 1, or the operational policies separately established for each service, the company may terminate the service contract or suspend service use for a specified period as follows. The company will provide a reasonable period for the user to apply for an objection or correction through the specified procedure. If the user's reasons are not justified or corrected, the company will notify the user by email. However, in cases requiring urgent action (e.g., directly impacting the value of other users' cyber assets or violating laws), the company may suspend service use and notify the user afterward. In conflicts between this article and Article 16, Paragraph 1, this article shall take precedence.

  • Consequences for Violations:


Detailed Description


Abusive Behavior

(1) Simultaneously measuring and generating multiple exercise records through multiple accounts or devices. (2) Recording steps or acquiring cyber assets through non-physical activities (e.g., mechanical devices).

Permanent account suspension

Disruption of Service Operation

(1) Impersonating the company, its employees, or administrators. (2) Spreading false information or causing confusion, disrupting the service. If significant harm is caused, a permanent ban may be imposed as a first-level sanction.

Permanent account suspension

Inappropriate Nickname Usage

Creating discomfort for others by using inappropriate or offensive nicknames.

Permanent account suspension

Unauthorized Program Creation/Usage

(1) Creating, using, or distributing unauthorized programs ("illegal programs") that bypass or disrupt service protection measures. (2) Modifying or exploiting company programs. (3) Publicizing or distributing illegal programs.

Permanent account suspension

Exploitation of Bugs

(1) Exploiting service errors for personal gain or causing harm to others. (2) Exploiting bugs that impact the service ecosystem.

Permanent account suspension

Illicit Trading

Acquiring, transferring, or trading cyber assets through unauthorized methods.

Permanent account suspension

Account Hijacking

Unauthorized disclosure or distribution of another user's personal information.

Permanent account suspension

Personal Information Leakage

Unauthorized disclosure or distribution of another user's personal information.

Permanent account suspension

False Information Registration/Usage

Providing false personal information or persistently using outdated information. ※ If an account is restricted due to using another person's information, restriction can be lifted after undergoing identity verification.

Permanent account suspension

Attempted Fraud

Engaging in or attempting to commit fraud. ※ Attempted fraud by impersonating an administrator or company employee may result in immediate permanent suspension.

Permanent account suspension

Illegal Activities

Involvement in money laundering, unfair trading, criminal activities, or any actions reasonably suspected of violating the law.

Permanent account suspension

  • Repeat Offenses: In cases of repeated policy violations or illegal activities that significantly impact the service ecosystem, all accounts under the same user may face permanent restrictions.

  • Asset Access Restriction: If a user’s service usage is suspended due to reasons attributable to the user, they may be restricted from accessing their cyber assets during the suspension period. The company is not responsible for any losses due to fluctuations in the value of the user's cyber assets during this period.

  • Final Termination: If the user's service usage is permanently restricted or terminated due to violations, the user will lose access to their cyber assets, and the company will not bear any responsibility towards the user.

Chapter 5. Indemnification and Disclaimer

Article 14. Indemnification

  1. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User in connection with the use of the Service, except where the damage is caused by willful misconduct or negligence on the part of the Company.

  2. If a User violates these Terms and causes damages to the Company, the User shall compensate the Company for all related damages incurred.

  3. Should a User’s illegal activities or violations of these Terms result in claims, lawsuits, or disputes from third parties, the User shall indemnify the Company at their own expense. If the Company incurs damages as a result, the User is responsible for full compensation.

  4. In cases where the Company has partnered with a third-party service provider and the User experiences damages due to the fault of the third-party service provider after agreeing to its terms of use, the third-party provider shall be liable for any damages.

Article 15. Exemption Clause

  1. The Company is exempt from liability for any service disruptions due to force majeure events or situations beyond the Company's control that prevent the provision of services.

  2. The Company shall not be liable for damages caused by unavoidable service interruptions, including those due to maintenance, replacement, inspections, or construction, unless caused by willful misconduct or negligence by the Company.

  3. The Company is exempt from liability for service interruptions or damages resulting from reasons attributable to the User, except where the User provides a justifiable reason.

  4. The Company is not responsible for service interruptions caused by failures of mobile network providers, unless the failure is due to the Company’s willful misconduct or negligence.

  5. The Company is not liable for issues caused by the User’s device environment or network conditions outside of the Company's control.

  6. The Company is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, or content of any information, data, or facts posted by Users in the Service, unless the Company has engaged in willful misconduct or negligence.

  7. The Company is not responsible for any disputes or losses resulting from transactions between Users.

  8. The Company is not liable for any issues arising from inaccurate or undisclosed personal information provided by the User.

  9. The Company does not guarantee that the User will achieve specific benefits from using the Service and is not responsible for any resulting losses.

  10. The Company is not responsible for the deletion of User content resulting from the User’s account withdrawal, as per Article 13, paragraph 1.

Article 16. Jurisdiction and Governing Law

  1. Any disputes arising between the Company and the User in connection with the Service shall be resolved through amicable negotiation between the parties.

  2. Any matters not specified in these Terms shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations.

  3. In the event that a legal dispute arises, the competent court shall be determined according to the procedures prescribed by law.

Last updated