Hunter Mode 2.0: New Exploration with AI

Hunter Mode 2.0: Explore CryptoHunter World with AI

CryptoHunter World's Hunter Mode aims to further enhance the gaming experience by introducing AI technology. The newly added AI features will provide users with more interesting and immersive gameplay, and maximize the fun of exploring various areas and meeting various Cryptids.

1. Location-based AI

Activities in Hunter Mode 2.0 go beyond simple movement to provide a more in-depth experience. The M2E service can easily feel like a boring daily task of walking or running through a specific area. CryptoHunter World introduces location-based AI technology to solve this problem and further develop the Move to Play service.

When Hunter Mode 2.0 is activated, AI-based location analysis will reveal specific types of Cryptids based on the user's path and environment. For example, Electric and Psychic types of Cryptids appear more frequently in urban areas, while Grass and Ground types of Cryptids that fit the surrounding environment will appear in forests or mountainous areas. This will further blur the boundaries between the real world and the game, providing users with a more immersive exploration experience.

2. Real-time learning and adaptation

The AI ​​in Hunter Mode learns the user's play style and behavior patterns in real time, and dynamically adjusts the appearance patterns of Cryptids. Currently, CryptoHunter World is designed to have Cryptids appear with a certain probability depending on the user's movement distance and the characteristics of the NFT shoes, but this part needs continuous improvement. Users may feel frustrated when they frequently encounter only certain types of Cryptids, when the Cryptids they need do not appear, or when they repeatedly encounter Cryptids that are too powerful and give up the battle. To prevent this, the AI ​​analyzes the user's play style and behavior patterns to make various Cryptids appear, providing diversity in the game. In addition, depending on the user's exploration style, the AI ​​can provide special events and rewards for specific areas or situations. The AI's real-time learning and adaptation capabilities will allow users to experience new experiences every time, and users will be able to continuously immerse themselves in the game without getting bored even with repeated play.

3. AI-based difficulty adjustment

Hunter Mode 2.0 is designed to adjust the difficulty according to the user's skill level. Beginners will encounter relatively easy Cryptids, while experienced players will encounter more powerful and rare Cryptids. AI will analyze the user’s play data and automatically adjust the appropriate difficulty level, ensuring that all players can enjoy the game in a fair and challenging environment. These AI features will make Hunter Mode a more diverse and personalized experience.

CryptoHunter World will provide innovative M2E services through the Hunter Mode 2.0 update with AI features, bringing new challenges and opportunities to users. Hunter Mode 2.0, which will be released in Q1~Q2 2025, will enable more user-friendly gameplay and immersive exploration, strengthening CryptoHunter World's core values ​​and establishing itself as a leader in the Web3 Move to Play service ecosystem.

Hunter Mode 2.0 is currently in development and is expected to be released between Q1 and Q2 2025. We will try to update Hunter Mode 2.0 as quickly as possible.

Last updated